Wednesday, December 13, 2006
DiemetriX Videoblog 2 - Wii Blue light
I Talk about the Blue light on the Wii and how to make it shine.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
My videoblog was here
I had so many techincal problems.
This sunday has been the Worst sunday this year.
I'll make a new video blog as soon as i get my Firewire card working as it should.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Rainbowsix custom face
Awesome ^^
And I got 30 Achievement points for doing it.
Ohh. And sorry for using the same song in a new video.. but couldn't think of a song that would fit better.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Game deal
Check out this sweet offer from GAME or Spiderman as where called previosly.
I'm getting
Rayman and redsteel + a free game from that offer and offcourse Zelda. But as you can See, Zelda is not a part of the 3 for 2 offer.
Leave a comment or read peoples reactions
Monday, November 20, 2006
Oh what a nightmare!
Great Zelda on PS3! Image by The3rdChildren and solitanze
Zelda RPG. Image by Dan Dare
Goldeye. Do you spot the difference? Image by Dan Dare
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Gears of war get!
So I'w got Gears of war. And I have played through it. And while the singleplayer was never dull and allways gave you new situations and problems to handle I must say the game was a bit short and dissapointing. I played through it in about 7hours. Most people will disagree with me and thats OK. The game is absolutly worth it's price but it's not a perfect game in my book. The multiplayer also has some problems, 'cause you can't join a ranked match with a friend easely. I tryed for 15minutes without beeing able to play ranked with my friend. And while the covering system works greate you somethimes get stuck on scenery and ledges. But it's still a great game.
Most mags and sites gave this game close to perfect score. But I give the singelplayer game a solid 8.8/10
Not Game of the year. But beeing GOTY is hard when Zelda is coming out soon.
I have also played this game a lot more online and give the game a overall 9.3/10
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Me on Norwegian Tv
Me on a Norwegian Cribs like TV show. Quick and roughly subbed:
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Project "Almost Famous" update

I know I should post here more often and I alsowould like to thank all of those who wisit my page. I get alot more hits than I tought I would.
Anyways. I'm starting something I would like to call "project Almost Famous". Right now I'm keeping most of the info secret. But I will promise to share when I and if get started.
This project wil take place in the town where I live. It's for fame but not fortune. And while I may look back at it in regret, I think it's going to be fun.
Tnx for reading.
btw. More people have been asking if they can add me to msn. The question is yes. But tell me who you are and why you added me. thomdav [at/@] <- My msn.
Famous |
Update 05.10.06
I'm constantly getting more and more ideas for this project. But remember, It's a small project. I'm not trying to get world known or anything likt it.
Altough I may pull this off by myself it would be great to get some help :)
What I currently need is:
Cameraman (and a camera :P)
:) Just send me a gmail [diemetrix] or add me to msn.
More vague hints:
A brand refers to the concrete symbols such as a name, logo, slogan, personality and design scheme. Brand recognition and other reactions are created by the accumulation of experiences with the specific product or service, both directly relating to its use, and through the influence of advertising, design, and media commentary. A brand is a symbolic embodiment of all the information connected to a company, product or service. A brand serves to create associations and expectations among products made by a producer.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Poem by me
Picture by Pink Boo
Why reach out when nobody will reach back.
Why hide it when nobody will notice it anyway.
Why bother to try when it's so easy to give up.
Why? I'll tell you why.
'Cause you are never alone.
Stand strong and you will realize it.
I wouldn't want to be any body else.
It's what you do that defines you. And I'm Strong.
Why complain when it's your fault?
I don't. Change your life. Your future.
And look back at your victory over sin, disease and death.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
190E 90modell
190E 90modell
Originally uploaded by DiemetriX.
Can't wait to get my new car. I'll go get it around the 26.Sept. <3 Mercedes 190E (same type of car as my last car)
Monday, August 14, 2006
I just made a Flickr account. Damn it's handy. <- if anyone cares
Friday, July 21, 2006
It's time for Random update #2
In a thread called Compliment someone on the forums thread he said:
"Diemetrix-Joint best mod with Stocka. Oozes cool all the time and is extremely wise too."
That was very good news, and that post alone has given me an extra boost. I will do my best to live up to that.
In other news, I won a Bike and some 360 games :)
It was an Competition our store had. The employe that sold most Godfather games would be the winner.
If you are reading this I'm also sure that you like music.
I highly recommend Pandora as a radio program.
This program will find music that you like. So if you are tired of the music on your PC, This is the program for you. -> Download here <-
Sunday, June 25, 2006
A new Wallpaper by me :)
(click for full size)

And if you mised my first asian wallpaper you can get it here
Excuuuuuuuuse me Princess!
It's 2 hours after I have closed the shop. Me and a friend was sitting at work playing with our lites when we looked up and saw the princess of Norway (Mette Marit) looking in to the store. We opened the door and let her and her sonn enter. (the body guards waited outside)
Her son wanted new styluses and I showed her the Lite. She liked it ^_^ and her son was amazed by it. He is going to save for it. They bought styluses and a norwegian movie.
And when leaving she and her son said tnx and that we had a really cool shop
TAKE THAT Spaceworld (Other Gameshop that was open at the time and is more main stream)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Random Update
I have recently hooked up my 5.1 Surround system . It sounds fab!
I have also taken some new photo's of my stash.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
I have also uploaded a cool Metriod movie to my youtube Profile. Every Wii fan should check it out.
In other news I got some brand new shoes ^^ I got them for $29.99 with a AVA CD :)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Wii games to look a lot better than they did at E3

Comparing Wii games to a gamecube game is not accurate or logicial at all. First I have a quote here from Gamespy that I want to throw out there
"We were warned from the start that the version that we were playing was essentially a skeletal framework of the final product. It was running on GameCube development kits, because Nintendo had only sent out Wii dev kits a few weeks prior to the event, and frankly, no one can realistically throw down a playable demo on brand new dev kits in three weeks and not have it crash more times than a demolition derby. So, having gotten that out of the way, the presentation was less about trying to wow us visually.... It was all about demonstrating exactly what the experience of playing a shooter on the new system could be."
"The final version on Wii will have much more polished graphics".
Taken from Gamespot forums. Post by Slice267. Original Post will Explain why the retail version of Red steel will be a lot better than the E3 Demo.Wii to be the E3 winner?
So what console[handheld] do you think it will be this years E3 winner?
If i remember correctly the DS was the winner last year.
Here's Info that makes me belive Wii will be this years E3 Winner.
To play a PS3 you have to wait in line for 30min (Small Que)
To play a Wii you have to wait in line for 4Hours (Huge Que)
And Pressconferance wise:
Gamespot Poll (at the time of writing this):
Which E3 2006 press conference made the biggest impact?
Sony!!! 19020 (25%)
Nintendo!!! 30750 (41%)
Microsoft!!! 24852 (33%)
There is also a poll on Gamefaqs today. "Which systems Games most impressed you at this years E3?"
at time of writing Wii has a comanding lead of over 1100 votes over the PS3
Wii - 57.43% (21132)
PS3- 26.68% (9817)
360- 10.11% (3719)
PC - 2.63% ( 968 )
DS - 2.3% (845)
PSP- 0.85% (312)
A film showing where the people first go when E3 opens:
(The Playstation 3 booth's on the left and the Nintendo booth on the
Check out where all the foot traffic's going.
How huge is the Wii line?
[Btw. I love the name "Wii"]
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Last year I won a trip to E3. This year the prize e is a 32" HDTV (smaller than mine :P)
The game is Call of Duty and the fist round is on Saturday 29. Aapril. I will play under team spiderman. The game is team based and there is 4persons pr Team. I will play with my good Friend Martin (viaTix). I may record the game as I did last year. I'm not as good in COD as I'm in Halo2, and I probably need to train a lot. Wish me luck :) I will update this post with the results after the first match.
We didn't win. We weren't even close. But it's not a big deal. I'm compleatly satisfied with my current TV
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Next gen Animation
Info [from ign]:
There's been a hot debate regarding what qualifies as "next-gen." With all the added processing power, the next wave of consoles promises better graphics and enhanced sound, but what about gameplay? Though games get slicker production values, do they really play any differently than in the past? From what we've seen so far, the answer is no.
But with its upcoming Indiana Jones title, LucasArts may be onto something. Utilizing a run-time animation technology called euphoria, the game is poised to push the limits of what was previously possible. The company that developed the technology, NaturalMotion, has been working for years to hone euphoria to accurately replicate real-world physics such as strength, weight, and momentum with in-game character models. Whereas before, all animations had to be pre-programmed, euphoria allows for reactions and behaviors to occur in real-time -- allowing models to react realistically to whatever situation might arise.
To be clear, euphoria is not an AI program, it's an animation technology that allows for physically accurate behaviors. The AI is programmed by the developer, in this case LucasArts, into the euphoria models to control them. What we saw at LucasArts was the marriage of euphoria physics and LucasArts A.I. scripts.
"It's what next-gen is about. It's not creating a linear path. It's creating intelligent characters, really interesting setups and environments, and putting the player in there and letting them see what the hell happens."
At one point, a model got knocked over while standing on a plank that angled downward, toward the ground. After falling, it began sliding forward with gravity. Since its A.I. was still fully functioning, it was clawing wildly around to try and stop its slide. Unfortunately for the model, the plank was flat, but as it slid out off the edge, it managed to catch itself on the very lip of the lath. It dangled precariously for a moment, but was thereafter able to hoist itself back up to shelter.
Instead of lapsing into some kind of pre-generated tumble, the enemy was at the mercy of every object in the environment. As he flew back, his body twisted ever so slightly so he could see where he was falling, and he'd try to brace for impact with his hands and shoulders as effectively as he could. Every environmental object he came into contact with was reacted to realistically. When getting thrown into a car, his body flattened against the side of the car. When getting tossed onto the edge of a wall, his reactions were different every time. Occasionally he would bounce and barrel roll to the ground, at others he would hit and lay out across top of the wall, and even come to rest angled from the wall to ground.
Hirschmann added, "We're working on a behavior right now where you can toss a guy into another guy and his head will actually track him and actually put his hands out to try and catch him."
Now this is what I have been waiting for.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
GameTrak interview
I have it at home and and it works pretty good. But it has a lot of limitations and it's some what imprecise.
In an interview with them they where asked about the revolution and they said this:
"Firstly, we are delighted to learn that Nintendo are really pushing the whole idea of physically interacting with games - this will help us all grow the market.
Until now, we have not been able to spend a lot of time with Nintendo's Revolution. All I can really say on this point is that the developers and publishers, who have worked with both Nintendo's Revolution and Gametrak, have found our system to be a little more flexible."
That has to bee the biggest pile of crap I have heard in a while.
They say this (video)
Is more flexible than a Revolution controller
Gametrack conects your hand by wire. The only way it detects your motion is whit the wire. It doesn't know if you tilt your hand. It doesn't even have the overall preciseness the Revcontroller has...
Interview can be found here:
But we all know Nintedo is going to sell a lot more games/units/controllers than gametrak ever will.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
I made my first AMV!
I just made my first Anime Music Video :D
It's from the awsome anime called Prince of Tennis
A link to the AMV I made can be found under the picture :)
Good quality: (right click and save)
Bad quality (fast load):
I would love if you gave it a comment.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
A really good day :)

To day was the start of a really good day.
First some new Revolution Screen shots was revealed. The game is made by Ubi soft and is called Red Steel. Formally known as "katana"
Screens here
They screens looks really good. The game is a Revolution Launch game and will feature Online multiplayer. More info here.
In other news I got Guitar Hero which is a utterly amazing game. IMO it beats Singstar and buzz.
I'm able to play the start songs on expert now, but I need a lot of training before I can beet career mode on Expert.
I have also played a lot of Battlefield MC on 360 and the game is really good. I tried to be the best player on the server but I only manage to rank at second place (again and again). At one point I tied with the first place but I was still listed at second place.
And I recommend Xbox 360 Friends List Notifier for keeping track of your onLive friends
My GamerTag is DiemetriX
Peaceout and GameOn
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I'w got a new TV
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sony loses Dual Shock Patent case
Newley sony lost the case.
This means that Sony not only has to pony up and shit loads ot of cash to Immersion Technologies, and that they have to stop selling PS2 machines which includes the Dual Shock controller, that means pulling the PS2 off the shelf.
Interestingly, Immersion is owned in part by Nintendo. The next-generation battle just took another twist.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
March month preview
System Owned?
Ghost Recon Adwance WarFigher [x]
Fight Night Round 3 [x]
The outfit
Elder scrolls Oblivion [x]
Far Cry Instincts Predator
Phoenix Wright (Pal) [x]
Lost magic (Ntsc) [ ]
Elder scrolls Oblivion
I'll update the list later. I know thers more good games launching in march.
fy_doorways beta video
A MSN friend of mine made a map for Counter-Strike: Source based on a map I made for TimeSplitters, see my Timesplitters map
Creds to Mckack for makeing such a good copy.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Spore to be the best game ever?
See this 35min movie. This will blow you away.
*drool* Source and Full screen version -> here <-
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Me + Cosplay = True?
[a quick photoshop of what i hope it looks like on me]
My excuse is it wasn't expensive. And i got a sweater, emblem, pants and leather skirt
Here you can find images from the 2006 Anime expo:
alot of good stuff. And alot of sad stuff...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
E3 2006

So E3 2006 is right around the corner. I really want to go this year also but I'm not sure I have enough cash. I'm Going to make some phone calls on Wednesday day to see how much it's going to cost. My main concern is that I need a buddy to share a hotel room with. So I basically need a buddy to Join me to E3. I'll update you on the situation on Wednesday.
Update: I'm not going this year. I don't have enough cash >_<
Monday, February 20, 2006
Updated pictures of my house

I have taken som new pictures of my house.
Pictues of the living room.
the kitchen and bathroom
and my bed.
-> Klikk <-
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Hands on Preview Eyeshield 21 DS
Eyeshield 21 DS
Multi cart Multiplayer
Not very import friendly.
Based on an anime with the same name
The singelplayer mode of this game closely follow the anime. You start as Senna the coward and evolve to become Eyeshield 21. I love that the story mode is more than just Playing a tournament. But because of all the Japanese it's not very fun to play. I Love the anime and will buy the game if it ever gets translated. You start of at school. Move around by pointing where you want to go. Double tap to run and Stroke the screen to dash. The singelplayer follows the anime and puts in small mini games to mach the story. You will foreksample Run from the huhu brothers like senna did in the first episode. But the mini games played in singelplayer are not like the ones you play in the "tournament mode".
tournament mode
Now here is where the real fun starts. Select your favorite team (probably devil bats) And select a CPU competitor. You can chose how long the match is going to be. How hard the CPU is and etc.
Everything is Based on touch screen mini games. Some examples
Pass: Select your receiver. And when the ball gets a blu target over it press it on the touch screen. If you get an excellent catch the receiver will get the ball and start running. Good Pass the receiver wil get the ball but get tackled. And bad will be an incomplete pass or in worst case a fumble.
Run: you'll see targets you have to press to dodge and get throughout the defense.
see the movies for more examples of the different minigames.
The game is also based on strategies. But not in a overly complicated way like EA sport games.
tactics will be using or countering run,pass, kick or Special.
If you use a tactic the other team didn't expect you will get a bigger advantage.
when playing defence you'll have to try to counter the other teams taticts.
All in all very fun. But after a match or two You'll probably put the game down. And I don't think you can play A Cup unless you play the singelplayer game.
I haven't tested Multiplayer but I think that would be a lot of fun.
If your a fan of NFL and a fan off the anime it's probably worth the cash. But all in all wouldn't import it. But you'll probably grow tired of it quick. Wait until the English version comes... (probably never)
Lost magic Guide Part 1
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Must be experienced!!! You won't regret it
I see technology Evolving around me but nothing could prepare me for this experience.
Remember to do it as i say. If you don't you won't get the full experience.
believe you me. It's probably one of the coolest thing you will do this year (next to playing the revolution)
Find some head phones!
download the Mp3.
Put on the head phones.
Turn the volume up high (not freakishly high)
Play the mp3 on your PC or Mp3 player (remember to use headphones)
Close your eyes and be amazed! If this doesn't amaze you... There's something wrong with you. (I said close your eyes!!!)
PLZ share your comments :)
Download the mp3
Alot of people think this is one of those stupid scary things. I assure you it's not. Go here to read how awsome other people think it is.
-> Klikk <-
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
New 360 Battlefield Trailer
Monday, January 30, 2006
Lost Magic guide?
The first part in the guide will be online before monday :)
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Hands on preview Turtles 3 DS
Turtles 3 DS
platformer. mutliplayer.
Why doesn't konami stop making horrible turtle games... Hey wait.. They did
Maybe I'm just having a good day. But this game is fun It's the best turtles game i have played since The good one on snes.
Top screen is where the action is. Bottom screen is used for Map, score, life. And support. Pressing Y also triggers the support. The game is a lot like the snes game but with some 3D backgrounds and more exploring. You have 3 types of support.
1: Fighting support ( takes a lot of damage to all enemies on screen)
2: Movement support ( Hepls you when you need to jump higher or longer)
3: Not sure
The touch screen is also used for small "minigames". The only one i have played so far is opening a valve. Where you had to turn it to 2 different spots.
there looks to be a lot of levels. And each turtle have different moves and support moves.
there's also battle mode which is more like a fighting game.
Not sure if the game has story co-op but it should have.
It's supposed to be cheaper than most DS games, So far i recommend it.
Check my Hands on thread on Revo-Europe for All my Hands on impressions
Hands on preview Lost magic
Lost magic
RTS RPG. Mutliplayer. ONLINE!
Ok. This game is really fun. It's all in Japanese so you have to figure out the menus and everything your self. There's still a lot I don't understand. But Damn this game is fun. It's a real time strategy RPG.
You select your main person with the touch screen and he walks where you point. Holding down L will start spell casting mode. In spell casting mode you have to "draw" your spell. On the top screen there's a visual representation of all the spells you know. After drawing a spell you aim and fire. Some spells shoot, Some spells heal and there's a lot of spells i haven't tested.
Early in the game you learn to capture enemies. And you do it like you would in any Pokemon game. You wait till the enemy is week and then cast the Capture spell. You can use the enemies you capture in later levels. And you can Build your army of friendlys as you like. They also level up like you do. You select friendlys the same way you would select troops on a PC RTS, Just drag the marker over them. And point where you want them to go. The friendslies can't cast spells. But have different ways of attacking.
You level up and your spells evolve. Spells also gain XP. So the spells you use most (single and online) will be better than the spells used least. The single player game is divided into small levels. Which are fun and easy to play. The modes i have tried involve killing all the enemies or Defending a person. The pick and play gameplay is great for short bursts of play. I'm now on a mission that i can't complete because I don't know Japanese. But I guess Gamefaqs will help me.
I went online tumbling through the menus not sure what mode i selected and ended up playing "Crystal conquest" Where you had to take over different areas by standing next to crystals. My opponent was level 44.. i was level 4... Not that hard to guess who won.. But i took half his life even tough he's spells was a lot better and he could summon friendlies.
I would say this game is better than Iron feather. The art looks like a studio gibli movie(that's a good thing) But the graphics in this game is very plain.
This game is my favored game at the moment. I'm buying it when and if we get a US release.
Check my Hands on thread on Revo-Europe for All my Hands on impressions
Hands on Preview Iron feather DS
Iron feather
RPG. 1player
I relay like the Graphic style. Really nice graphics. Snes backgrounds with 3D looking 2D sprites.
You cast magic spells with the Touch screen (easy). Action is on bottom screen. Map on top. The battles are in real time and the system works well.
Good RPG music. And a cool night and day system.
X is dash. Y is Magic attack menu. A is type one slash and B is type two slash.
The game is not import friendly. And as all RPGs story based. I don't know any ting about the story, or main Gamplay features. I have only walking around leveling up. I'll probably get the Eng version. A source tells me it got a "bad" score from famitsu. So the story or gameplay may not be as good as it appears to be.
Check my Hands on thread on Revo-Europe for All my Hands on impressions
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hands on Preview Bleach DS
Bleach DS
Fighting. 1-4, Multicard, singelcard. Online
Starts off with training. Basic moves. A X Y are all attack buttons. B is flash step. Jump by pressing up. You can double jump.
Touch screen is used for using "battle Cards" where they either target you, enemies or everybody. What they do is anyone's guess as it all stands is Japanese. There's a setup where you choose all your advance moves and "special" tricks with the touch screen. This means that I hardly use A / Y / X at all. So when playing CPU i only use the touch screen.
If you don't use the touch screen to fight (if you are 1337 or stupid)
You can do the advance moves by a combination of different buttons. Or button combinations ( like down, left, down, left A/B/Y).
you block with R and jump to background/foreground with L
Training was very fun. Even though you had to guess what to do.
when Fighting a CPU player I found the tricks to be boring and limited.
As far as i played you couldn't chain or make any special combos.
(bear in mind i have been playing a lot of DOA lately which is an awesome fighter and mind mind automatically compares them)
You also unlock new Battle cards which you use in your Deck.
After Half a min you understand all the menus. The only thing you miss out on is the deck and the challenge mode... (and reading the names on those Japs online)
good. Smooth and cleansprites. Some special effects with some moves but nothing really amazing.
Sound: Music is from the series. Intro song is the intro which is currently used in the Anime. And the battle music sounds like midi.
Online: Online is A LOT more fun than playing against a CPU. You can use the touch screen mode here also. Which means there a lot of special tricks being used at all time.
But Because Blocking Blocks all attacks there's a lot of strategy involved.
It was quite fun
there's a lot of them. Probably all you would want to play as. Even Kon.
Story mode: Very strange. You play from level 2 to level 5 and then the game goes to level 2 again. there's level 3A and level 3B.. But it feels random as which level is next.
I have played trough level 2 to level 5 about 7 times and i get different fights some of the time. Every time you get a different fifth level you unlock a new person.
Like in normal fighting games. Chose from all of the characters.
Test your moves and the characters.
single card
vs CPU
Challenge mode:
Probably something special you have to do... Not sure. It's in Japanese.
Urahara shop:
Buy new cards for your deck
Images and sounds from the anime
sound, control's etc.
Check my Hands on thread on Revo-Europe for All my Hands on impressions
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Personal Previews and Reviews
Hands on Preview (jap) Eyeshield 21 DS
Hands on preview Turtles 3 DS
Hands on preview (jap) Lost magic
Hands on Preview (jap) Iron feather DS
Hands on Preview (jap) Bleach DS