To day was the start of a really good day.
First some new Revolution Screen shots was revealed. The game is made by Ubi soft and is called Red Steel. Formally known as "katana"
Screens here
They screens looks really good. The game is a Revolution Launch game and will feature Online multiplayer. More info here.
In other news I got Guitar Hero which is a utterly amazing game. IMO it beats Singstar and buzz.
I'm able to play the start songs on expert now, but I need a lot of training before I can beet career mode on Expert.
I have also played a lot of Battlefield MC on 360 and the game is really good. I tried to be the best player on the server but I only manage to rank at second place (again and again). At one point I tied with the first place but I was still listed at second place.
And I recommend Xbox 360 Friends List Notifier for keeping track of your onLive friends http://brh.numbera.com/software/xblist/
My GamerTag is DiemetriX
Peaceout and GameOn
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