So I'w got Gears of war. And I have played through it. And while the singleplayer was never dull and allways gave you new situations and problems to handle I must say the game was a bit short and dissapointing. I played through it in about 7hours. Most people will disagree with me and thats OK. The game is absolutly worth it's price but it's not a perfect game in my book. The multiplayer also has some problems, 'cause you can't join a ranked match with a friend easely. I tryed for 15minutes without beeing able to play ranked with my friend. And while the covering system works greate you somethimes get stuck on scenery and ledges. But it's still a great game.
Most mags and sites gave this game close to perfect score. But I give the singelplayer game a solid 8.8/10
Not Game of the year. But beeing GOTY is hard when Zelda is coming out soon.
I have also played this game a lot more online and give the game a overall 9.3/10
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