Lost magic
RTS RPG. Mutliplayer. ONLINE!
Ok. This game is really fun. It's all in Japanese so you have to figure out the menus and everything your self. There's still a lot I don't understand. But Damn this game is fun. It's a real time strategy RPG.
You select your main person with the touch screen and he walks where you point. Holding down L will start spell casting mode. In spell casting mode you have to "draw" your spell. On the top screen there's a visual representation of all the spells you know. After drawing a spell you aim and fire. Some spells shoot, Some spells heal and there's a lot of spells i haven't tested.
Early in the game you learn to capture enemies. And you do it like you would in any Pokemon game. You wait till the enemy is week and then cast the Capture spell. You can use the enemies you capture in later levels. And you can Build your army of friendlys as you like. They also level up like you do. You select friendlys the same way you would select troops on a PC RTS, Just drag the marker over them. And point where you want them to go. The friendslies can't cast spells. But have different ways of attacking.
You level up and your spells evolve. Spells also gain XP. So the spells you use most (single and online) will be better than the spells used least. The single player game is divided into small levels. Which are fun and easy to play. The modes i have tried involve killing all the enemies or Defending a person. The pick and play gameplay is great for short bursts of play. I'm now on a mission that i can't complete because I don't know Japanese. But I guess Gamefaqs will help me.
I went online tumbling through the menus not sure what mode i selected and ended up playing "Crystal conquest" Where you had to take over different areas by standing next to crystals. My opponent was level 44.. i was level 4... Not that hard to guess who won.. But i took half his life even tough he's spells was a lot better and he could summon friendlies.
I would say this game is better than Iron feather. The art looks like a studio gibli movie(that's a good thing) But the graphics in this game is very plain.
This game is my favored game at the moment. I'm buying it when and if we get a US release.
Check my Hands on thread on Revo-Europe for All my Hands on impressions
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