Monday, September 18, 2006

Poem by me

Picture by Pink Boo


Why reach out when nobody will reach back.
Why hide it when nobody will notice it anyway.
Why bother to try when it's so easy to give up.

Why? I'll tell you why.
'Cause you are never alone.
Stand strong and you will realize it.
I wouldn't want to be any body else.
It's what you do that defines you. And I'm Strong.
Why complain when it's your fault?
I don't. Change your life. Your future.
And look back at your victory over sin, disease and death.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the poem...I needed to read that tonight.

DiemetriX said...

Glad to hear you liked it:) Glad you left a comment.

Anonymous said...

:) you ftw

xxx Sistha