Ninjas are one of the coolest things in the world. And there's not that many good Ninja games. The best of the best is offcourse the Ninja Gaiden Series. But Ninja Blade is like the little brother. It's not that good looking, not that serious or doesn't excel at anything. But still great fun. You have to like QTE ( quick time events) though, cause this game has it like every 15minutes. But the QTE isn't annoying and will reward with you with some pretty awesome ninja action :) If you press the wrong button you only go back a button or two.
Another neat feature is the possibility to personalise your ninja Gear. I and my friend
Maria (Rimfrost) made a totally kick ass Hello kitty Ninja with Pink and White ninja gear ^^
All in all I recommend this game to anyone that like ninja games, It's not a must have. But it's still great fun.
Æ e fan :D Jeg er på mission #5 nå xD
^^ jeg vil spille det mere!
Har så vidt spilt det enda :S
Så spill daa? n____n
Jeg sliter med den tredje schtøgge blast miten..den sviir meeg D; mrghdf
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