Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Hare Hare Yukai rockman sync

The ending of Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu
synced with the rockman[Megaman] version.
I did this with Movie vegas. Tnx to those who where hosting the original videos on youtube.


TJW said...

Nice :D

Anonymous said...

hey! just saw on youtube! good idea to put toghether the videos! very funny! one thing cought my atention.. whats the name of the song at the end? when apears your logo? sounds funny too!

if not trouble, would you please send to my e-mail?


Anonymous said...

I too would VERY much like to know what that ending song is, I know i've heared it somewhere before, and its great. could you email it to me also--

DiemetriX said...

I will email you the song ^^

DiemetriX said...

the song is Loituma - Ievas Polka (Basshunter Remix)

The original is off course from